My topic is on wolves. I chose this topic because wolves are the closest relative to my favorite animal (dogs). After everything was complete I taught 5th graders. What I did was introduced myself. I told them why I was there, and why I chose my topic. Then I told them about my display board and 3d model. After that they asked really good questions like - has a red wolf ever met a gray wolf? I really enjoyed teaching them. What I learned about researching is it's not all fun and games. Also, some of the facts on the Internet are not true. Next year in AIG I would like to study wild cats because some of them have an endangered status. Thanks for reading goodbye.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Jaden - Wolves
My topic is on wolves. I chose this topic because wolves are the closest relative to my favorite animal (dogs). After everything was complete I taught 5th graders. What I did was introduced myself. I told them why I was there, and why I chose my topic. Then I told them about my display board and 3d model. After that they asked really good questions like - has a red wolf ever met a gray wolf? I really enjoyed teaching them. What I learned about researching is it's not all fun and games. Also, some of the facts on the Internet are not true. Next year in AIG I would like to study wild cats because some of them have an endangered status. Thanks for reading goodbye.
Logan - Lighthouses of North Carolina
My name is Logan. The topic of my expert project is Lighthouses of North Carolina. I chose this topic because I went to the Outer Banks this summer and visited some of the lighthouses. I had to look up stuff about lighthouses.when I thought my project I talked about the stuff on my board and then talked about my model. I learned a bunch of stuff about lighthouses. One of them was that Cape Hatteras was supposed to look the way Cape Lookout looks. It happened that way because the artist got his plans mixed up. I might do my project next year on something I do this summer.
Roger - UFOs
The topic of my project is UFOs. I chose this topic because I've had some personal experience with UFOs so I wanted to learn more about it. What I did is I researched the Internet for information and pictures. Then I printed it out. Then lastly I posted them on my board. I learned that to do this project is you have to stay on task. I might do my project on pirates next year since I've always been interested in them.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Emma - Cheese
My name is Emma Nunn and I'm in Mrs. Boone's 5th grade class. The topic of my 2010 expert project is CHEESE! I truly chose this topic randomly but I always loved cheese. I wrote a report on cheese-making and a power point on cheese around the world. A fact poster and tri-fold on cheese. I didn't know cheese had such an expanded view on math and science. The next time I do a project I want it to be on the mathematical way on how circuits work.
Cameron - Chapel Hill
My name is Cameron Huggins. The topic I chose was Chapel Hill. I chose this topic because it is my favorite university and is the oldest college in the U.S. I did my project by researching the topic,doing a story board,interview of someone who just graduated and someone who graduated a long time ago,and did a 3-D model of the Bell Tower. I learned a lot from this project like how much it costs to each year and the buildings. I plan next year to do my project on Michael Jackson.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sierra - The Mars Company
Hannah - Jelly Belly
My expert project is about the Jelly Belly Company. I chose the Jelly Belly Company because they make my favorite type of candies. In my project I had to make business cards, a 3-D model of Mr. Jelly Belly, and I had to design my expert project board. Researching a world wide candy company was a huge project to work on. I had to research how much money they make for the average of their company's profits. For the math fair I would like to do wingspans of birds and use their wings as pictures as algebra problems. The wingspans of the birds will also use the order of operations.
Carter- Laura Ingalls Wilder a True American girl
I chose my topic because I love the little house books! I find Mrs. Wilder's writing beautiful and I can visualize it well. I did a lot with my project I had to write summaries and reviews. I looked for valid pictures. Ihadto do a lot of comparisons. Overall my project taught me alot. You have to get organized to do this project. You also need to get (and expect)advice. I will be a sixth grader next year but if I got another chance I would choose Broadway because I love acting and will hopefully be seeing (or acting) in one soon!
Molly- Tiananmen Square
My project is on Tiananmen Square. I chose this topic because my sister was working on it in class, and she talked about it with me and it was very interesting, so I wanted to learn more. I looked up important people and the details and wrote about them. I made a map of the square , a double bubble map on then and now, and I made a 3-D model of ''the tank man''. I learned that information of the square is very hard to organize, because china doesn't permit political freedom. I will be be a sixth grader next year, so I am interested in doing my math project on how much a horse costs , and when you own one, what costs more than other things.
Keaton- Scuba
The topic of my project is scuba diving. I chose this topic because I was planning on being a scuba diver and I love the water. I tried to make the project fun by doing some fun facts on scuba diving. I also made a Shadow which was really fun. I was planning on taking scuba classes to get first hand experience but I did not have the time. I learned when I was researching a project of this size was that a lot of people around the world scuba dive even if its different from the way we do. When I do science and math fair I would like to do my project on making a light bulb shine with a potato, a battery, and a light bulb.
William- The History of the Automobile
My topic is on The History of The Automobile. I chose this topic because I thought it would be really cool and I like cars. On my expert project wrote a report on Henry Ford. I made a 3D model. I went to a car show and I also had an interview with 2 people and took photos. One thing I learned about researching this project is that it takes a whole lot of work. Next year I will do my science and math fair on how to blow up a potato.
Sam- Bees
I did my project on honeybees because LOVE honey. I did many things with my project but I think going to the honeybee farm was probably the most fun though. The owner let me get up close to the hives (I don't know how I didn't get stung!) My project was also lots of fun because my dad and I made a mini replica of a bee hive. When it gets warmer we are going to make more racks to fit the box and put it outside to see if bees will come and swarm to it. My project taught me about bees [of course], responsibility and honesty. Next year I think I might do my science project on Robots because I think they are cool.
Justin- Genetic Mutations
I am doing my project on genetic mutations. I chose to do this topic because I thought it would be cool to research the genetics and genes of mutated animals. On this project I tried to be creative with it. So we did many cool things like going and getting wind chimes for the cells and pipe cleaners for the strands inside. If there's one thing I learned when researching is to be very careful of what you look up. You may accidentally go on something bad like I did. In the future I will be more careful and narrow my search for what I'm looking for. For my next project I thought about doing it on crocodiles because I think there's more of them then meets the eye. They are not monsters, but just misunderstood and pre-judged.
Emma-Walt Disney World
My topic is Walt Disney World. I chose Walt Disney World because I went to Disney World in 2009 and I wanted to learn more about Disney World.For my project I did a Mickey Mouse cake for my 3-D modle.I made a powerpoint on Walt Disney himself and the parks.I did a Kids Travel Guide to WaltDisney World.I learned that you need to be neat and you need to know what you are doing.Next year I might do might do my expert project on Photograhy because I like takeing pictures.
Domonic - Medieval Times
My name is Domonic. I did my project is on medieval times. I chose this topic because I have always been interested in medieval times. I sponge painted the board to make grass and I bought plastic men to make soldiers. I got a shoe box and painted it grey to make a castle. One thing I learned about this is about some new medieval weapons. Next year I would like to learn more about medieval weapons.
Alex - Rocks and Minerals
The title of my project is Rocks and Minerals.
I chose this project because I was always interested in rocks and what they are made of. What I did with this project was I made a 3-D model of a sedimentary rock, showed a collection of rocks I found, gave examples of national structures and/or sites that were made up of the 3 main types of rocks, sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Mount Rushmore is made of igneous rock and Stonehenge in England is also made of igneous rock. The main things that I learned about organizing and researching a project of this size was that rocks were made up of tiny bits and metamorphic and igneous rocks are formed underground. When I was little, I just thought of a rock as a rock, but now I think of rocks as a whole different thing ever since I did this project. What I look forward to doing in the science fair next year is the Study of Planets. I think this is an interesting project because in third grade, we did a whole study of planets, the moon, and the stars. When we did the study of the planets it interested me because it made me wonder what was out there and if there was life on any other planets. I do not know yet what I am going to do for the math fair.
Caroline - Blue Ridge Parkway
Hi, my name is Caroline and I did my project on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I chose this project because my great aunt lives in the mountains and has cancer and had the idea to do my project on the Parkway, so I did. I got to ride part of the parkway with my cousins. It was awesome. Making my 3-D model was very hard but it is worth it. I learned that if you are doing a project this big you to be neat or you can't find anything. Next year I want to do my project on movie making. I want to do it on that because my dad is the manager of a movie theater.
Horatio - The Flying Tigers
Horatio The title of My project is the Flying Tigers.I chose it because it is facsinating and I like it. In my project I did a report on the history of the Flying Tigers. A 3-D model of the Mignladon Airdome and a letter to the Georgia Aviation Museum. I learned that it is hard and fun to do a project of this size. Next year I hope to study a band called The Clash.
Madison - Hello Kitty
I choose to study Hello Kitty. I choose this topic because Hello Kitty inspires children to be good. Well, I took my time on this project. I kept looking information up on the Internet. I really loved putting it all together. I learned that to complete a project of this size you really have to be prepared. Next year I might study the Titanic!
Brooklyn - Volcanoes
The topic of my project was volcanoes. I chose this topic because I like to learn about explosions and sort of things like that. For my volcano project I had to make a 3-D model. The 3-D model was the hardest I say this because at first I wasn't sure what to do then I was and after that it was easy. Also, I had to name the five worst volcanoes and that was the easiest. What I've learned about organizing was that you have to be prepared. When I am in high school I want to do my senior project on roller skating!
Lauren - The History of Barbies
I studied the history of Barbies. I choose this topic because it interested me. I made a board a slideshow, adn a report. I also researched how Barbies were made. I learned that Barbies are made overseas with poor pay for the overseas workers. Next year I might want to do my Expert Project...well, I am not sure but I'll know by August!
Ashley - Movie Making
I choose movie making. I chose this topic because I want to be an actress. For this project I had to learn about my favorite movie producer and write a report. I also had to write about my favorite movie. My most exciting and fun thing I had to do was go go to Full Sail University in Florida where they learn to make movies. I learned to make my project look neat and creative. Next year I want to do my project on Full Sail University because it was really fun to visit there. I think people would enjoy learning about it!
Benjamin - Dragons
My expert project is on dragons. I chose this topic because they are fascinating. For my project I wrote some reports on dragons and took a survey. On top of that I made a PowerPoint on Chromatic dragons. While I was working on my project I learned that it takes a lot of time and hard work to get the project completed. I hope to study trading cards next year because they are fun to trade and the pictures look cool!
Asia - Ballet
My topic was ballet. The topic has an elegant taste of style and I like it.
For this project I, did a term & definition paper and the best part was designing the board.
I learned the key to organizing it is to take your time but I learned to never do anything at the last minute because it won't get finished.
Next time I want to study about clothes because of their style and how they look like in the finished product.
Zoey - NC Mysteries
The topic of my project was NC Mysteries. I chose this because I like mysteries so this was an interesting project. I went to two haunted places at NC State. I also made a map of haunted places in North Carolina. I learned that hard work and preparation make the project very interesting in the end. I am in 5th grade and don't have to do it next year. My senior project might be on Anne Frank.
Jackson - Computer Programming
The topic of my project was computer game programing. I chose this topic because I want to be a game designer. In this project I emailed a game programmer.I also made a sky box. A sky box represents the world. The best part was the game.I learned that it is vary difficult to organize a project this size. I am in fifth grade so I won't do another expert project but I might do my math project next year on optical illusions.
Anahi - Violins
The topic of my project is violins. I choose this topic because I want to play the violin. I borrowed my brothers violin, took a picture, then labeled its parts. I also took a survey on 5th grade on which instrument they would like to play and not many people choose the violin though. I have learned that organizing and researching a project of this size takes time and is not that easy. I am in 5th grade and will not do any more expert projects but will have to do a math project and a science project next year.
Matthew - Spies
The topic of my project is "spies." I chose this topic because my grandfather was a spy. In my project, I made a map of spies from around the world and did reports on ten famous spies. I also made a parascope and an essay on James Bond. While doing this project, I learned the hard way that you have to save your work on the computer! In high school, I hope to do my senior project on sign language.
Angel - Currency
My topic is currency. The reason I chose this project is because the idea just hit me and I thought it was pretty good and I also like money. One of the few things I did in my project where: locating the five main US minting buildings I also translated currency in different languages. I learned a bunch of cool stuff like now a Dominican Republic dollar equals thirty-six cents. What I hope to study for my math fair project is geometric shapes and for my science fair project I would probobly study the human body.
Caitlin - Korean War
My topic is the Korean War. I chose this topic because my great grandfather fought in the Korean War. On this project I have 1st reasearched stuff on the battles ,then I have put the battles on the map. After that I picked my favorite battle and made it into my 3-D model. My favorite battle was the battle of Nak-Doung River. One thing I have learned by doing this is to do a little bit each day and do not wait for the last second. Since I am in fifth grade I won't be doing another expert project. Instead, I will do a math project. For the math project I am planning to do it on optical illusion.
Amar - Taj Mahal
The topic of my project was Taj Mahal. I chose this topic because I actually experienced the Taj in person. When I went to India I spent 4 whole hours just staring at it.(I went in December 2009.) I researched a ton about this topic and I made a power point about my trip. Also, I experienced many other famous Indian landmarks. I have learned so many facts about the Taj by experiencing it. I am in 5th grade and I never have to do another expert project again, but I do have to do a senior project in high school.(My senior project might be on Backpack Pals.....the same topic of my Speaking Day project!)
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